White Papers

Semi-structured Document Feature Extraction

The document discusses the challenges organizations face in dealing with semi-structured documents, particularly spreadsheets, due to their diverse formats and lack of standardization. It highlights the presence of defects within spreadsheets, often unnoticed by end-users, which pose difficulties for automated processes. The document proposes a method to classify spreadsheet elements and create a structured format resembling a JSON file to address these challenges.

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Table Layout Regular Expression - Layex

In the modern landscape of data presentation, tables serve as a ubiquitous tool for organizing and conveying information efficiently. Whether in the structured presentation of scientific findings or the widespread use of spreadsheets in corporate environments, tables play a pivotal role in facilitating data interpretation. Consequently, the extraction of valuable insights encapsulated within these tables becomes paramount in any data pipeline process. This white paper introduces a novel mechanism designed to streamline the extraction of data from tables, particularly those with intricate layouts. Through the construction of a regular language customized to tabular representation, it aims to enhance efficiency and accuracy in data extraction processes, ultimately empowering organizations to unlock the full potential of their tabular data assets.

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