Tutorial 1 - Getting Started

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This short introduction uses Any2Json to:

  1. Load simple tabular documents in CSV and Exce formats.
  2. Display the tabular result on the console.

The expected layout of each document is a single header row followed by rows of cells:

document with simple table

Setup PyAny2Json

Before to use the package, you need to download the jars in your project. Run the following command line at the root of your python project:

python pyany2json/setup.py

Import the package:

import pyany2json

Minimal code

The minimal code to load a document is as follow:

with pyany2json.load(file_path, encoding="UTF-8") as doc:
    for sheet in doc.sheets():
        table = sheet.getTable()
        if table.isPresent():
            table = table.get()

The encoding ("UTF-8" here) is used if the encoding could not be detected when loading the document.

Iterate overs the headers:

for header in table.headers():
    # Do something with the header

Iterate over the rows and cells:

for row in table.rows():
    for cell in row.cells():
        # Do something with the cell

Load several file formats

Here is a complete example to load and print the content of different CSV and Excel files:

import pyany2json

    "data/document with simple table.csv",
    "data/document with simple table.xls",
    "data/document with simple table.xlsx",

for file_path in FILE_PATHS:
    with pyany2json.load(file_path) as doc:
        for sheet in doc.sheets():
            table = sheet.getTable()
            if table.isPresent():
                table = table.get()
                for header in table.headers():
                    print(header.getTag().getValue(), end=" ")
                for row in table.rows():
                    for cell in row.cells():
                        print(cell.getValue(), end=" ")
date client qty amount 
2023/02/01 AAA 1 100 
2023/02/01 BBB 1 100 
2023/02/01 BBB 3 300 
2023/02/01 AAA 1 100 
date client qty amount none 
2023-02-01 AAA 1 100  
2023-02-01 BBB 1 100  
2023-02-01 BBB 3 300  
2023-02-01 AAA 1 100  
date client qty amount 
2023-02-01 AAA 1 100 
2023-02-01 BBB 1 100 
2023-02-01 BBB 3 300 
2023-02-01 AAA 1 100


Congratulations! You have loaded documents using Any2Json.

For more examples of using Any2Json, check out the tutorials.